Thursday, 13 June 2019

Grapes Vines - Vitis Vinifera

Grapes - Vitis Vinifera

Grapes - Vitis Vinifera

Grapes - Vitis Vinifera

Grapes - Vitis Vinifera

Grape vines produce sweet fruits. 

Grape vines can add an element of drama to your garden.

They are high climbing vines and can be trained up over arches and walls.

Grape is a small fruit, botanically a berry that grows on a vine.

Angoor is the common Hindi name for all varieties for grapes.

Grapes are one of the most popular and delicious fruits in the world.

They come in different colors - green, black, red, blue, and purple.

They grow in cluster of 15 to 300. 

They are easily available throughout the year. 

Grapes are used in a wide range of popular foods.

They have been cultivated for thousands of years. 

#Grapes #Grapevines #vines 

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